Donald Bowen Jr.
Business Outreach
Don Bowen Jr. is a trusted partner to All-Pro Electric, serving as our go-to-guy in all areas of Business Outreach. Following decades of high-level executive experience, Don has turned his talents toward bringing businesses like ours to the next level. As a consultant, he has a winning track record for accelerating company growth and performance, obtaining greater operational efficiency, broadening market share, in addition to possessing a keen eye for early-stage identification of emerging opportunities; his time at All-Pro Electric has been no exception! Don holds numerous licenses related to the electrical industry, including a Construction Supervisors License and OSHA Construction Safety & Health Certification for the Commonwealth. Additionally, he is well-versed in relevant fields including sustainable energy, environmental permitting, site planning, construction management and more. With his applied experience, technical knowledge and long-standing relationships to key industry figures, Don proves indispensable to All-Pro Electric time and time again.